With over 40 Years of proven success, we lead the way!

USA Managed Care Organization (USA MCO) is the largest, most comprehensive, privately-held Preferred Provider Organization in America.

Currently operating in 47 states across the country, USA MCO presents innovative alternatives to traditional group health and workers’ compensation medical benefits. With a distinct freedom of choice, flexibility and a 100% user-friendly platform, USA MCO affords sound solutions through a portfolio of client-driven integrated options.

Formed in 1984, USA MCO was found on the firm belief that a national company could provide healthcare solutions on a local basis. Its entrepreneurial spirit and private ownership provide USA MCO with the opportunity to partner with clients devoid of bureaucracy and influence from outside authority. A further advantage is the ability of USA MCO client groups to better customize as well as evolve their benefits program to fully address growth, diversity and corporate restructure.


Products and Services We Provide

Austin Resolutions has been negotiating savings on medical bills since 1994.  Our service lines include Group Health, Workers’ Compensation, Medicare Exhaust, Auto Liability, Marine, Transplant, Catastrophic Care, and International Travel plan options.
USA H&W Network (Group Health and Wellness PPO) is the nation’s largest, single source, self-developed, privately-held Preferred Provider Organization

LONESTAR Athletic Injury Network

In conjunction with school districts across Texas, LONESTAR is a panel of medical providers state-wide who have been nominated as medical care providers of choice by their local school officials.
Over 1,600 hospitals have already become part of our growing network. Select hospitals have been carefully chosen and fully credentialed.
Award-winning network providing access to the largest Preferred Provider Organization spanning the nation and specializing in work-related injury and illness through return-to-work focused rehabilitation and medical care.
We are committed to providing you with the quality you expect and the worry free, cost effective service you deserve. SPA is a non-risk assuming, full-service TPA with a competitive edge, delivering the highest quality of service through its dedicated team of Customer Care Specialists and Benefit Advisors/Analysts.

USA Managed Care Organization

Largest, most comprehensive, privately-held healthcare corporation in America.